Lego Domino Machine

Lego Domino Machine

An ancient game, which came from China. Black and white. Points on the little desk. Can you guess what game I am talking about? Of course, it is a domino. And when I was a child I liked to build a long column of dominoes, then I touched the first one and I was looking at how they all just falling. ...

July 23, 2021 · 1 min · Anastasia Popova
NOT-A-RAILGUN by Doctor Engine

NOT-A-RAILGUN by Doctor Engine

Do you remember action movies? Perhaps you even wanted to try to shoot. So how about Legos NOT-A-RAILGUN? Let’s find out how powerful, accurate it is and how quickly he throws Lego parts. ...

June 23, 2021 · 1 min · Anastasia Popova