Testing Various Lego Propellers: An Airflow Experiment

Testing Various Lego Propellers: An Airflow Experiment

Testing Various Lego Propellers: An Airflow Experiment Introduction Lego propellers offer an exciting way to explore the principles of aerodynamics and engineering. In this article, we delve into an experiment where we tested different Lego propellers by using air flow to push a ping pong ball. This fun and educational challenge provides insights into the performance and efficiency of various propeller designs. The Basics of Lego Propellers What Are Lego Propellers?...

June 2, 2024 · 4 min · Dr. Engine
Lego Custom Suspensions Tests

Lego Custom Suspensions Tests

I really love Legos and statistics, I hope you do too. Otherwise, why would you be here. When I did the tests, I weighed and recorded all the parameters and results for you. Enjoy!

December 9, 2023 · 1 min · Dr. Engine